Attestation of college studies (ACS) - Continuing education
Admission requirements for ACSs vary from one program and one CEGEP to another.
It is essential to consult the website of the CEGEP you wish to attend in order to find out about the admission requirements for their ACS programs. Information on ACSs is found in the Continuing Education section of CEGEP websites.
General eligibility requirements
In order to be eligible for an ACS program, applicants must have a formation deemed sufficient by the College and meet to one of the following requirements :
Applicant has interrupted his/her full-time studies or pursued post-secondary studies for at least two consecutive semesters or one academic year.
Applicant is the subject of an agreement between the CEGEP and an employer or government program or benefits from a special government program.
- Applicant has interrupted his/her full-time studies for one semester and pursued post-secondary studies for at least one semester.
Applicant has a Secondary school vocational diploma (SSVD or DEP)